Wednesday, August 18, 2010

THrees a crowd

static character---The concierge in this chapter is a static character because she is only in the story for a short period of time and does not have much of a personality. She only lets us see that she is easily bought and is a brown noser!

And still in this chapter we witness Jake be ever so gracious with one of the many suiters that seems to always be by Brett's side. It's uncanny how many she seems to roll through. I cannot really believe that she loves Jake as much as she claims. It does not seem so real to me. If one claims to love another would they not be less selfish in their illustrations of their love to the other person. BUt i guess one can also argue that by denying herself Jake Brett is, indeed, acting unselfishly. Still her excuse is, "'That would be different. It's my fault, Jake. It's the way I'm made.'" ( pg. 62)

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