Thursday, April 21, 2011

whaat did you think he was going to do??

"Scoffing devil! Again do I vow vengeance; do I devotte thee, miserable fiend, to torture and death. Never will I give up my search, until he or I perish; and then with what ecstasy shall I join my Elizabeth and departed friends, who even now prepare for me the reward of my tedious toil and horribly pilgrimage!" pg. 152

This stream of consciousness shows Frankenstein's inner feelings. In this chapter that is what one mostly sees. He is so overcome by guilt that he wishes to sleep all day where he can escape reality and be with the people he loves. But i keep thinking, what did he think the monster was going to do , forget? The monster has an infinite amount of time and is bent on concentrating all his efforts on revenge. I feel as though Frankenstein brought this upon himself. Also the stream of consciousness shows the reader the though process of Frank.

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