Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The saddest funeral

"'I couldn't get to the house,' he remarked.
'Neither could anybody else.'
'Go on!' He started. 'Why, my God! They used to go there by the hundreds.'" pg. 117

I found this particularly depressing. The only other mourner that comes is the man usually found drunk in the library at Gatsby's parties. It is a sad thing to see that there is only three people in the attendance of your funeral. Does that mean that Gatsby was not a good man or that the people he surrounded himself were people who were selfish and cared not for him? I feel as though it reflects the personality of the society in which Daisy and Tom are apart of. They are of money and therefore have no other cares or comprehensions of the struggles others go through so cannot not really empathize with people. Nor do they look beyond their own, immediate needs. These needs being to have a pleasurably and comfortable life. Gatsby fulfilled this need for the people he invited to his parties so he could gain an in into the beautiful world of the rich. The world in which Daisy is apart of and in the end it did not give him much good because the people that seemed useful never cared for him in the end.

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