Wednesday, November 10, 2010

HUnters in the snow-Tub

"'What do you know about fat,' Tub said. 'What do you know about glands.' As he spoke he kept shaking Frank. 'What do you know about me.'" pg. 195

Tub, in the beggining is seen as a stock character. The butt of the jokes that everyone makes fun of because it's just too easy to do. So Tub takes it. But in this quote that Tub is not some dumb, obese man. He has feelings and feels betrayed by his so called friend who does not stand up for him. Kenny is the person who starts the jokes that end up going to far and therefore Frank follows his lead. Tub used to be Frank's confidant but now the reader comes to find tha Kenny has filled that place. Tub may be fat but he knows when enough is enough when being made fun of. We see him finally stand up for himself after making shy remarks about it earlier.

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