Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Foil Characters

Chris Waters and Carmichael are foil characters in this story. Edie falls for Chris because he is the suave, cool man who Edie, naive herself, cannot help but want. She is inexperienced and therefore being told she was beautiful was such a overwhelmingly beautiful compliment to her. While Carmichael is the good, reliable guy that most women pass over. He is the "shy, but good humored" man that "anybody could ask him anything."And yet women see to fall for the handsome naturally confident man like Chris. This foil between the two characters shows the development of Edie. She grows up and sees that Chris will never write to her and by giving Carmichael a chance she found a good solid man to marry. These foil characters furthered the plot which was about the road to which Edie would find her would be husband. We the readers were just surprised as to how that happened.

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