Monday, January 31, 2011

Act 3 how do I know thee?

Yes all of my titles rhyme...i thought it needed a little pep! in this act i feel like Iago really is setting the ball rolling. He gets Cassio out of his position so he will start talking to Desdemona for help. It is an ingenious plan. It also makes me despise Iago all the more. His reasons for hating the more are so stupid and shallow that I cannot help but to cringe everytime he comes up with yet another plan. FOr usually the villian make a mistake and do not win. they are very close but do not make such strategic moves. His moves are gaining momentum and making more waves in Othello's little world of honorable people. He will begin to despise Desdemona it is inevitable.O sad, sad days!

1 comment:

  1. Anna, why aren't these entries related to Acts IV and V? And where is the text they're based on?
