Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Do Not Go Gentle into THat Good Night

The use of repeating in this poem had a profound affect on the tone of desperation in the speaker's voice. For at the end of every other stanza the speaker would use one of these lines "Rage, rage agains the dying of the light" or "Do not go gently into that good night." Both describe death as being good thing when describing it as a "good night" or light. And yet there is a contrast in the "night" and "light". The tone of desperation is felt through the use of pleading by asking the object of the speaker's affection to pleas not go away. It also describes the different type of people before they die and yet nevertheless the speaker still says not to go to death. And finally I thought the tone of desperation was solidified when the speaker directs the last stanza towards his father. He uses both repetitive lines for his most beloved father which speaks of the love the speaker has for his father and not wanting to lose him.

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