Monday, January 31, 2011

Act 3 how do I know thee?

Yes all of my titles rhyme...i thought it needed a little pep! in this act i feel like Iago really is setting the ball rolling. He gets Cassio out of his position so he will start talking to Desdemona for help. It is an ingenious plan. It also makes me despise Iago all the more. His reasons for hating the more are so stupid and shallow that I cannot help but to cringe everytime he comes up with yet another plan. FOr usually the villian make a mistake and do not win. they are very close but do not make such strategic moves. His moves are gaining momentum and making more waves in Othello's little world of honorable people. He will begin to despise Desdemona it is inevitable.O sad, sad days!

Act 2 O lord not you!

In act 2 it is obvious to see that this play is a tragedy. There is only one way that shakespeare likes to end his tagedies...with DEATH!! when i found out it was a tragedy i prepared myself for suicide and other forms of horrible deaths that would happen when there is a jealous lover in a story that shakespeare has written. It has taken the regular amount of time, i would say, for Iago to make Othello begin to doubt Desdemona. For he needs to provide proof and planting the seeds is what he first does before he has all the "facts" he needs to prove Desdemona's infidelity.

ACT 1 here I come!

I was actually extremely excited about reading a shakespeare play contrary to everyone else in the class! But I was then reminded by a friend that this was a tragedy so I already gathered what would happen in the end. But act 1 was full of happiness well, as long as you forget about Iago plotting evil plans and using everyone around him for his own gain. In the beginning the reader is put in the middle of an interaction between Iago and Roderigo and their shady dealings. They talk about how Roderigo respects his reward a.k.a-DESDEMONA in return of all his money he gave to Iago! Iago is such a foil with all the noble men presented in this work so far. Even from the begining you see how he uses everyone around to achieve something for himself.Othello is the perfect example of an honorable man and very smart too who is a foil to the evil but also cunning Iago who seeks certain things for himself and is a star manipulator.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


So far i am very intrigued on how Shakespeare is going to continue the play. The plot was very much laid out to the audience in the beginingand so there is not much guessing on what will happen. The suspense lies in HOW it will happen. How will Iago perform such evil deeds to Othello unnoticed and unsuspected by all? It is baffling to me that no one notices how Iago is so deceptive. The fact that he is so rude to his wife and even a little to Desdamonda should probably inform people of his character. But he is an excellent actor and knows how to manipulate people to do his will. I feel as though I already know what will happen at the end considering this is a tragedy. I don't much like tragedies but so far true love seems to be staying strong. We will see for how long.

Othello realistic or no?

I think the themes used in Othello make it a very realistic play. The theme of jealousy and revenge are common human emotions that many of us experience. For example Iago in the end of Act 1 speaks of his plan to frame Cassio of having an affair with Othello's new wife Desdemona. Such an evil act is something that I consider very possible by people today. The thought of revenge crosses everyone's mind. Although Iago is very much evil in his doings it is not anything above what a person very much bent on revenge would do. He also mentions in Act 2 "a wife for a wife" he is furious of the rumors circulating about Othello and his wife and wishes to destroy Othello's trust in Desdemonda for revenge. Also there are no dramatic departures in this play. When someone needs to leave to appear as though they are going somewhere else it is perfectly normal when they depart.

OTHELLO-ques 3

The suspense created thus far is mostly due to Iago. SInce we the readers know of his maniacal plan we keep waiting for what he plots next. He may have an aside about what he plans to do but we keep waiting. We wait for when Iago will succeed in turning Othello against his beloved Desdemonda.It is sometimes confusing as to whether Iago has any allegiance to Roderigo.Then we see how he talks so callously of really everyone that surrounds him. The fact that he uses and abuses people makes him a perfect person to provoke disasters. We the readers wait for this because he keeps talking of his plans for Othello's downfall.